You will never please 100% of people – please yourself.
Life is so full of expectations, lose weight, tone up, wear this, wear that, be this, be that, get a good job, get married, have kids, don’t say this, oooh no you can't say that, do as I say (not as I do haha) do this, do that... Half the time we don’t even know who...

You don't have to chase love
If you are making all the effort there is an imbalance in the relationship - Recognise this as a sign to move on & find someone that will make effort too! ❤️

Melbourne Sexpo
I'm excited to announce that I will be Co-Host For Sexpo in Melbourne 2016!! I allign myself with Sexpo as I believe sex is truly an important part to having a loving-connected relationship. Here I learn many things that I can pass on to you. Make sure you come down...