“To enable you to feel loved despite your relationship status, find long lasting soul-connected love and maintain a healthy relationship.”
Hi, my name is Belinda and I am the founder of belindalove.com.au.
We have had all the bad dates and horrible relationships; it is time we find the one we deserve. Here you will uncover all the tools to set the right foundations, remove the triggers causing the patterns to attract the right partner and maintain a long lasting relationship.
I have been asked what makes me an expert in this field, and my response is “I have studied counselling in the past, but nothing compares to first-hand experience. My passion is to help people understand their worth and give them insight into the key elements of finding a love they deserve and maintaining it.” Whilst I am still on my journey to finding my life long partner, I am happy with myself as I have learned to truly love who I am and trust that the right person will come into my life at the right time. All those I have met before my life long partner have enabled me to learn some valuable lessons and to grow as a person, those lessons I am now sharing with you.

My journey relating to love and relationships, in the past, has been somewhat of a rollercoaster. It took me until I was twenty-nine years old to work out that my self-hating, negative opinion of myself was attracting the wrong kind of partner. This was based on not having seen a true relationship as my parents divorced when I was six. Then as I grew older and became an adult, I associated the need to have a man in my life to replace what I was missing in a full time father. During that time, my association with men was quite skewed. This is because I did not believe I was loveable, a very common trait in many people. After a long stint of being single and avoiding men for fear of being abandoned, I then dated many men to try and fill the emotional gap. After a few broken, emotionally, verbally and physically abusive relationships I arrived at the realisation as to why I was attracting this type of partner and why I allowed them to stay in my life. It was through fear of being abandoned, the lack of self-worth and not believing I deserved better.
“I have studied counselling in the past, but nothing compares to first-hand experience. My passion is to help people understand their worth and give them insight into the key elements of finding a love they deserve and maintaining it.”

My experiences, whilst some of the hardest times in my life, have in fact been beneficial and I have no regrets about those times, as it has shaped the person I am today and I am in fact grateful for having experienced them all. I know there are people living in similar situations and if I can share my experiences and help even one person, then I am fulfilling what I believe to be my life’s purpose. There are no mistakes only lessons, and until we learn to take the good out of the bad, the same lessons will be repeated.
You have to be willing to embrace change, learn to love yourself and believe that someone special is out there for you. If you take these steps, you will no longer settle for fear of being alone, find that special someone and learn to make the right amount of effort to have a long lasting, fulfilling relationship.
The opinions I offer are based from my experiences and training, I will always be honest and direct. I won’t tell you what you want to hear, I will tell you the ugly truth, what you need to hear in order to make an impact on your life and to feel loved everyday.

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