We often apply negative meaning to the fact we are single. “Something must be wrong with me”, “I am not good enough”, “I am worthy of love but I intimidate them”.

There is NOTHING wrong with you if you are single. I promise. People, please stop asking that question as well. It is a backhanded compliment, and insensitive.

This episode is going to enable you to see that there is nothing wrong with you. You are as delicious as nutella, just not everyone’s taste, and that is perfect. Who has time for everyone in the world anyway. It is all about quality not quantity and this podcast shares the three ways to overcome this negative self-belief.

Enjoy xx

You can find me here
Web: belindalove.com.auInsta: BelindaLove_CoachFB: Belinda Love CoachYouTube: Belinda Love Coach